Written by Noëlle PeetersMarketing Manager

Breda, 12 May 2021
Lab Services has been active in the pharmaceutical and crop science markets since 1992. These markets are centred entirely around optimising and improving our quality of life. With our PlateButler systems, we contribute to these rapidly developing markets. However, that is not all we do!

Lab Services strives to do more than contribute to an improved quality of life with automated platforms. We have the ability to make a real difference.  

As an organisation, we want to make yearly contributions to nature and our community! We are going to give back! After all, we demand a lot from our planet, its resources and our people. By adopting an altruistic approach, we can offer real added value and contribute to a healthier climate and more social involvement. 

In 2021, for example, Lab Services will sponsor a major tree-planting project in South America (Atlantic rainforest), where deforestation has been a major problem for years. Animals are losing their habitat, the climate has become dryer and hotter and there is a growing water shortage. By sponsoring a large number of indigenous trees, the soil in the area will be able to recover and seedlings will be cultivated, planted and cared for in a sustainable manner.  

We have also taken various internal steps to protect our natural environment. For example, Lab Services is gradually moving towards becoming a paperless work environment. To that end, we have drawn up a clear printing policy. The paper we do still use will be disposed of via separate waste streams. Clear internal waste streams allow for optimal waste processing, which benefits the environment.  

The environment is not our only concern; we also work with local organisations and charities. We have set up two projects that benefit our local community. First of all, we will be making donations to the local Food Bank, because being able to eat a healthy meal every day is not a given for everyone. By donating the food items we collect, multiple families will be able to enjoy a nutritious and warm meal. Lab Services is also partnering with JINC, a local organisation that improves the employment market opportunities of young people from socio-economically disadvantaged neighbourhoods. We are hosting welcome days to introduce these young people to the world of automation technology. We are developing tasks that include different facets and activities to get the young people excited about our industry and show them just how diverse our daily activities can be. We love sharing our passion with them in this way. 

At Lab Services, we are convinced that we can make a real difference for the environment and society by working together.